Thursday, May 17, 2007

Brooklyn Kids & Grandkids

We stayed at Croton Point Park so we could travel into NY to visit our son, TJ, his wife Jacqui, and the grandkids Luna and Porter. We spent several days doing this, including an overnight at their house.

On Saturday, TJ and the grandkids came out to the campground for a picnic and to play on the swings and go for a walk. It was a nice, sunny day, and we enjoyed all of it.

April 30 is Luna's birthday, and she had a party at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. The carousel in the park provides a space for parties, and tickets for lots of rides on the horses. Most of her preschool class showed up for her party. There was plenty of food and a pinata for the kids to bash.
Here's Luna and her dad behind the carousel having a chat. Luna had a great time with her friends, running around in the grass and playing with the streamers and toys that were available. And of course, riding on the pretty horses in the carousel.

Luna got lots of presents, which sho opened at home. The hit of the loot was flying dolls, a modern adaptation on the propeller-on-a-stick toy of a hundred years ago. We had a great time flying them around their little apartment, into the ceiling fan.

Porter, who is 2 and the personification of the devil in all of us, kept sneaking behind the food table and spiriting cupcakes off the plate, eating the icing off the top, then going for another one. We probably would all have done that if we could, but the slightly repressed memories of our mothers yelling at us kept us in line.

The pinata was a great success. Luna had one for her 3rd birthday, and it was a bit overprotective of its contents, requiring the largest and oldest child to finally crack it. This one was much more receptive to spewing forth it's contents, and after the 4th child swiped it the goodies were on the ground. Luna honored me with a string of purple beads from her loot.

Later in the week, we spent a couple days at home with them, sleeping overnight on an available air mattress. We took the subway into Manhattan to shop and tour. Consuelo and Jacqui shopped in an large arts and crafts store, and TJ and I looked in one of the larger bookstores. Afterward, we picked up Luna at her school, and went home for Brooklyn pizza, the kind that you really do have to fold in half to eat, as it has a soft chewy crust.

After our night seeing the David Letterman show, we stopped in at their house one last time to say goodbye, and left for Massachusetts the next morning.

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